Culture Shock
Um texto que eu achei no livro de inglês do Japão e me identifiquei bastante.
[[[[ "Culture shock is so predictable that you can draw a picture of it", the professor explained to the class. "When you're living in a place where people don't speak your language, where people don't look like the people back at home, you are out of your element. You have a big adjustment to make because a lot of things are likely to be different. You are likely to change, too."
"Right now you're all excited and pleased to be going to a foreign country. And when you get there everything will seem beautiful, pleasant, new and interesting. This initial positive feeling will last for about three months, and then------you'll start to feel irritated by little things. The smell of foreign food cooking will make you feel sick; the sound of the foreign language will hurt your ears; the same old questions that people have been asking since you arrived will suddenly bother you. The clothes will seem inferior, poorly made, and definitely not interesting. The customs will seem unreal. You might even begin to believe that the language is impossible, that no one could think real thoughts in that language. These annoyances are all part of culture shock."
One student raised his hand. "Is there any way we can prepare ourselves for culture shock? Any way we can make it easier ?" the student inquired.
The professor scratched her head and said, "I think that's why I'm here. I don't know why it is so, but somehow it helps to know that you're going to feel this way. There are some other things that can help, too. For example, it helps to pack some anti-culture shock things---like photographs of home, or a box of favorites candies that you will save until the really low times. Writing a lot of letters is good, too. If you write a lot of letters, you get many in return. But don't think that culture shock is just homesickness. It's more a feeling of settling in, becoming part of a new group, and resisting it."
The group all seemed to relax at that news. It was almos as if they all felt capable of enduring a month of feeling uncomfortable to be able to have the unique experience of living in another culture. ]]]]
Algumas coisas variam de pessoa para pessoa, mas é mais ou menos assim.
Adorei o texto...e é bem por aí. A gente quer desvendar outros lugares, outros horizontes e, ao mesmo tempo estar perto dos amigos, em casa, comendo pão de queijo, brigadeiro e talz...e depois ainda rola aquela sensação de "putz, os amigos que fiz lá...que saudade!" Mas a vida é assim, cheia de experiências, conquistas, obstáculos e tudo mais...oh my Dog! What I´m doing!
>>P.S. - Ficarei feliz em receber cartas e responderei com todo prazer!heheheheh
qui. mar. 10, 10:04:00 AM 2005
Adorei o texto...e é bem por aí. A gente quer desvendar outros lugares, outros horizontes e, ao mesmo tempo estar perto dos amigos, em casa, comendo pão de queijo, brigadeiro e talz...e depois ainda rola aquela sensação de "putz, os amigos que fiz lá...que saudade!" Mas a vida é assim, cheia de experiências, conquistas, obstáculos e tudo mais...oh my Dog! What I´m doing!
>>P.S. - Ficarei feliz em receber cartas e responderei com todo prazer!heheheheh
qui. mar. 10, 10:04:00 AM 2005
Ops....mandei duas vezes....sorry!
qui. mar. 10, 10:10:00 AM 2005
Iiiii, danado, boa sorte!(Foi mal o mal humor ontem :) )
qui. mar. 10, 10:18:00 AM 2005
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